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Deficiency Code | Code Text | Detailed Text | Solution Text | Option |
001 | Death Certificate not Provided | You have indicated that the Injured Party is deceased. However, no death certificate has been provided. | Please provide an official death certificate regarding the injured party. | Both |
003 | Injured Party's Social Security Number not Provided | The SSN of the Injured Party has not been provided. | Please provide the injured party's Social Security number. | Both |
004 | Injured Party's Date of Birth not Provided | The date of birth of the Injured Party has not been provided. | Please provide the injured party's date of birth. | Both |
005 | Original Lawsuit State not Provided | The original lawsuit state was not provided. | Please provide the state where the original lawsuit regarding this claim was filed. | Both |
006 | Original Lawsuit Date not Provided | The original lawsuit date was not provided. | Please provide the date on which the original lawsuit regarding this claim was filed. | Both |
007 | Date of Alleged Diagnosis and/or Alleged Injury not Provided | You failed to designate an alleged asbestos-related injury and/or the date of diagnosis for the injury. | Please provide the alleged injury and at least the month and year in which a physician first diagnosed the injury on Part 2 of the claim. | Both |
009 | First and Last Dates of Exposure Not Provided | Your submission regarding the Injured Party's exposure to asbestos does not include complete information. | Please provide the dates on which exposure began and ended for each work site where exposure is being alleged on Part 3 of the claim form. | Both |
010 | Industry and Occupation not Provided | Your Claim Form failed to provide the industry and occupation of the Injured party. | Please provide the industry and occupation in which the Injured Party worked for each work site where exposure is being alleged on Part 3 of the claim form. | Both |
013A | SSN is inconsistent with Claim Form | The Social Security Number is inconsistent with what appears in the injured party's documents. | Please submit the correct Social Security Number or provide an explanation as to why there is a discrepancy. | Both |
013B | Date of Birth is inconsistent with Claim Form | The Date of Birth is inconsistent with what appears in the injured party's documents. | Please submit the correct Date of Birth or provide an explanation as to why there is a discrepancy. | Both |
Showing 1 to 10 of 153 entries